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5 Simple Tools to improve your Copy Writing skills

Learn to write better with focus

I’ve been using 5 simple but magical tools to improve my copywriting, and Marketing activities. No matter what you do – Copywriting, Digital Marketing, Advertising, Email marketing or Social Media marketing – these 5 tools would help you to be a better copywriter to achieve that conversion.

Let me introduce these fantastic five to you.

1. Grammarly
I love Grammarly for many reasons. It helps me to clarify my Grammar related issues and gives me better suggestions. But I will recommend using the premium version which has more options to set the tone and voice of your writing.

2. Hemmingway App
Well, Grammarly helped me with Grammar related issues. But how can know the readability grade of my copy,
how do I avoid adverbs, and how do I use an active voice? For these reasons, I use Hemmingway App. It’s a breeze.

It’s a free tool. If you use it for 7 days, I’m sure you will fall in love with it.

3. Headline Studio
It’s another fantastic tool which is free to us.
Headline Studio’s headline analysis tool helps me determine whether my headline is SEO friendly. Whether it will attract more visitors and many more.

4. Word Counter
Sometimes you need to be economical in your writing. Or perhaps you have a project which requires a certain word count in it. By using Word Counter you can do a quick word count.

5. Pomofocus
We are living in a world full of digital distractions. Businesses like Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and other social media outlets are out there to steal our precious attention. Our attention is their billion dollar business. Focusing on what matters is a struggle for many people. Pomofocus is a cool tool to help me to keep the focus on my work. Undoubtedly, it has made me more productive and more in control of my time.

I am curious to know what other tools you found helpful. I would love to read your thoughts in the comments below.

September 21, 2022

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