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Learn how to end sadness and bring about long-lasting improvement quickly. Depression and its symptoms, causes and what maintains depression, and treating depression- all effectively covered with free downloadable resources.

Course Instructor

3 hours, 32 minutes

Last updated

September 22, 2023



£28.00 inc. VAT

More about the course

Depression is a complex mental health condition that affects millions of individuals worldwide. In this comprehensive course, "Understanding and Treating Depression" by Dan Jones, you will gain invaluable insights into the nature of depression, its causes, and evidence-based strategies for helping clients overcome this challenging condition. Whether you are a mental health professional, caregiver, or simply interested in understanding and addressing depression, this course equips you with the necessary knowledge and tools.

Course Highlights:

  • Understanding Depression: Delve into the fundamentals of depression, including its definition and a thorough exploration of its symptoms. Gain a nuanced understanding of how depression manifests in individuals.
  • Causative Factors: Learn about the underlying causes and factors that contribute to the development and persistence of depression. Gain insight into this condition's psychological, environmental, and genetic aspects.
  • Effective Treatment Approaches: Discover evidence-based treatment strategies to assist clients in overcoming depression. Explore therapeutic interventions and practical techniques to support individuals on their journey to recovery.
  • Pharmacological Insights: Acquire a basic understanding of the main drugs used to treat depression. Learn about the various classes of antidepressant medications and their potential benefits and side effects.
  • Nutrition and Diet: Investigate the role of nutrition and diet about depression. Understand how dietary choices influence mood and mental well-being and explore strategies for incorporating nutritional approaches into treatment plans.
  • Comprehensive Learning Resources: Access a 54-page PDF of extensive course notes, providing a detailed reference for the course material. Additionally, receive a PDF document containing links to articles that supplement your learning and a list of recommended readings to expand your knowledge further in.
By the end of this course, you will be better equipped to understand depression, identify its underlying causes, and assist clients in their journey toward recovery.

After completing this course, you will have the following skills:

  • You will understand what depression is and what the symptoms of depression are.
  • You will know what causes and maintains depression
  • You will understand what you can do to help clients to overcome depression
  • You will have a basic understanding of the main drugs used to treat depression
  • You will have a basic understanding of the role of nutrition and diet in relation to depression

Who Can Benefit from This Course?

The course on "Understanding and Treating Depression" can benefit many individuals, personally and professionally. Here's a breakdown of who can benefit from this course:
  1. Individuals Battling Depression: Manygives them people currently experiencing depression can significantly benefit from this course as it provides them with insights into the nature of their condition, coping strategies, and options for seeking help. It empowers them to understand their experiences better and explore treatment options.
  2. Family and Friends of Those with Depression: Loved ones of individuals with depression often struggle to comprehend the condition and provide support. This course can help them gain a deeper understanding of depression, enabling them to offer empathy, assistance, and a supportive environment.
  3. Mental Health Professionals: Psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists, and counsellors can use this course to enhance their knowledge and skills in diagnosing and treating depression. It offers valuable insights into evidence-based therapeutic approaches and the latest research findings.
  4. Primary Care Physicians: Many people with depression first seek help from their primary care physicians. This course can assist doctors in identifying depression, initiating appropriate treatment, and referring patients to specialists when needed.
  5. Nurses and Social Workers: Healthcare professionals working in various settings, including hospitals and clinics, can benefit from this course to better understand and support patients with depression, promoting holistic care.
  6. Teachers and Educators: Depression can affect students' academic performance and well-being. Teachers and educators can benefit from this course to recognize signs of depression in students, offer support, and connect them to resources.
  7. Human Resources Professionals: Professionals in HR roles can gain valuable insights into recognizing signs of depression in employees, providing appropriate support, and creating a mentally healthy workplace.
  8. Counselors in Educational Institutions: School and college counselors can use this course to improve their ability to identify and assist students struggling with depression, ultimately fostering a more conducive learning environment.
  9. Community and Support Group Leaders: Leaders of community organizations and support groups can acquire knowledge from this course to better guide and assist individuals dealing with depression in their communities.
  10. Anyone Interested in Mental Health: Individuals interested in mental health, whether for personal growth or as part of their career aspirations, can benefit from this course to deepen their understanding of depression and the strategies used in its treatment.
  11. Policy Makers and Advocates: Those involved in mental health policy and advocacy can use the information from this course to inform decisions, allocate resources effectively, and work towards improving mental health services and awareness.
  12. Employers and Managers: Employers and managers can take this course to create a more supportive work environment, promote employee well-being, and reduce the stigma associated with mental health issues like depression.
The "Understanding and Treating Depression" course offers valuable insights and skills applicable to a diverse audience, ranging from individuals affected by depression to professionals in various fields who encounter it in their work. It plays a vital role in increasing awareness, reducing stigma, and improving the overall management and treatment of depression in society.counsellorsCounsellors

Why choose this course?

  • Developed and delivered by DAN JONES - Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy Instructor
  • Get Instant E-certificate
  • Fully online
  • Self-paced learning and laptop, tablet, and smartphone-friendly
  • 24/7 Course Support

Career prospects after completing this course:

Completing a course on "Understanding and Treating Depression" can open up a range of career prospects in the fields of mental health and healthcare. Here are some potential career paths and opportunities for individuals who have completed such a course:
  1. Clinical Psychologist: With further education and training, you can become a licensed clinical psychologist specializing in the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of depression and other mental health disorders. You may work in private practice, hospitals, clinics, or research institutions.
  2. Psychiatrist: If you pursue medical school and specialize in psychiatry, you can become a psychiatrist. Psychiatrists are medical doctors who can prescribe medication and provide psychotherapy for individuals with depression and other mental health conditions.
  3. Psychotherapist or Counselor: You can become a licensed psychotherapist or counsellor specializing in depression treatment. This role involves providing counselling therapy and support to individuals dealing with depression in private practice or as part of a mental health team.
  4. Clinical Social Worker: Completing the course can be a stepping stone toward becoming a licensed clinical social worker (LCSW). LCSWs provide therapy, case management, and support to individuals with depression and other mental health concerns, often in healthcare settings or social service agencies.
  5. Nurse Practitioner: If registered nurse, you can pursue advanced training to become a psychiatric nurse practitioner. These professionals assess, diagnose, and treat mental health conditions, including depression, and can prescribe medication in some states.
  6. Psychiatric Nurse: Psychiatric nurses specialise in caring for individuals with mental health conditions, including depression. They work in hospitals, mental health facilities, and community settings, providing medical and emotional support.
  7. School Counselor: Completing this course can benefit those interested in becoming school counsellors. School counsellors help students navigate academic and personal challenges, including depression, in educational settings.
  8. Mental Health Advocate: Some individuals work as mental health advocates, raising awareness about depression, reducing stigma, and advocating for better mental health services and policies. This role may involve public speaking, writing, and grassroots activism.
  9. Mental Health Educator: You can teach courses or workshops on depression awareness and coping strategies in community centres, schools, or corporate settings.
  10. Researcher: If you have a strong research interest, you can pursue a career as a mental health researcher. This role involves conducting studies, clinical trials, and academic research on counselling depression and its treatment.
  11. Healthcare Administrator: Healthcare administrators in mental health organisations and facilities play a critical role in managing resources, developing programs, and ensuring quality care for individuals with depression.
  12. Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Counselor: Many companies offer EAPs to support employees with mental health issues, including depression. EAP counselors provide short-term counseling and referrals to resources.
  13. Nonprofit and NGO Positions: Nonprofit and non-governmental organisations often focus on mental health advocacy and service provision. You can work in program development, outreach, and management roles.
  14. Peer Support Specialist: If you have a personal experience with overcoming depression and wish to help others, you can become a peer support specialist, providing guidance and understanding to individuals facing similar challenges.
Specific career paths may require additional education, certification, or licensure beyond completing the course. Tailor your career goals and educational pursuits to align with your interests and the specific roles within the field of mental health and depression treatment that you find most appealing. Additionally, networking and gaining practical experience through internships or volunteer work can enhance your prospects in these careers.

Industry Expert Instructor

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Autistic Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy Instructor

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Course Content

    • What is Depression 00:02:00
    • Symptoms of Depression in Children 00:02:00
    • Symptoms of Depression in Teens 00:05:00
    • Symptoms of Depression in Adults 00:02:00
    • Depression Differences Between Men and Women 00:05:00
    • Depression is Rarely a Biological Illness 00:09:00
    • What Causes Depression 00:06:00
    • The Cycle of Depression 00:03:00
    • The Depressive Attributional Style 00:04:00
    • The Happiness Attributional Style 00:06:00
    • Worrying 00:06:00
    • Sleep and Depression 00:08:00
    • Depression is an Emotional Trance 00:04:00
    • Difficult Life Experiences Don’t Cause Depression 00:04:00
    • Stress and Depression 00:05:00
    • Depression as a Signal or Solution 00:03:00
    • Client’s Don’t Need to Feel Worse Before They Get Better 00:02:00
    • Drugs Are Not Usually The Best Lasting Treatment 00:07:00
    • Basic Overview of The Main Drugs Used in Depression Treatment 00:07:00
    • Post-Natal Depression 00:02:00
    • Bi-Polar Disorder 00:01:00
    • How to Lift Depression 00:02:00
    • Structuring Therapy Sessions 00:05:00
    • Innate Emotional Needs 00:03:00
    • Pattern Matching 00:09:00
    • Being Solution Focused 00:08:00
    • Focusing on Positives 00:01:00
    • Finding Strengths and Skills 00:03:00
    • Using Scaling 00:17:00
    • Environment 00:05:00
    • Goals 00:00:00
    • Tackling Worrying 00:14:00
    • Relaxation. 00:05:00
    • Mindfulness. 00:03:00
    • Mental Rehearsal. 00:06:00
    • Developing a Client’s Inner Awareness 00:04:00
    • Task Setting 00:06:00
    • Exercise 00:04:00
    • Diet and Nutrition 00:10:00
    • Safeguarding Your Client 00:07:00
    • Looking After Yourself 00:05:00
    • Understanding And Treating Depression – Conclusion 00:02:00
    • Treating Depression 00:00:00
    • Get Your Certificate & Transcript 00:00:00

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